I was asked how to SURVIVE/THRIVE as a freelancer in today's business world as a video producer and drone operator?
I was asked HOW/WHY do I travel so much for work? Isn't it difficult?

My answer would be to Build your network(s), offer a variety of services, and to stay in touch.
I get the opportunity to travel for projects all over the country. One project alone, usually doesn't make it a worthwhile endeavor for me. But with a network of colleagues across different disciplines nationwide, I am almost always able to pick up more projects along the way. Just recently, a one-day trip to Chicago became 5 projects spread out along the way. Video production work, Photography, Drone mapping, even some acting work.
This isn't by coincidence, I programmed myself for this.
In 2009, when I Ieft working in the offices of corporate America, a wise mentor of mine and I sat down to talk it out. I wasn't working in any specific field at the time and I wasn't sure what was next for me.
He had me write out my dream job.
Then he had me write out my dream life.
Then we connected the dots, and found out what I really wanted, and I set forth from there. I wanted to own and build a business, to travel for work, and have a boots-on-the ground business presence with a national reach. So its no surprise to me how/why I travel so much for work...it is at the core of who I discovered that I am, so it goes without saying, it is at the core of how I operate my business.
Learn what you want. Be clear with what you want. Go get it.
The only limitations are in your mind...
I'm no Tony Robbins, I've just been asked a few times and figured I'd share this philosophy. If success leaves clues, I guess that's mine...
There ya go.
That's all.
Buffalo Videography - Video Production in Buffalo, NY
Dan Oshier Productions, LLC - Professional Drone pilot, Digital Imaging Specialist, Reality Capture Expert https://www.danoshierproductions.com/